15 Feb The River Video and Studio Visit
The RIVER ROAD video
Over the past weeks I have returned to the making of the video. With a focus on mapping, with inspiration from the early Mapping Charts of The Darling from the nineteenth century – there has been a shift in the making of the work for show. With two residencies to Broken Hill under the belt and some time to think about what I wanted to tell in this video I decided to revisit the residency with the confrontation of such a different landscape in my mind. The reality of just how hard it was to focus on the making of something happen for a show – with a landscape that seemed to be so different and overwhelming at the same time – made the direction of what to do and how I wanted to portray the place just so much harder to make a start.
After weeks and then months of playing with the edits and thinking about how words would be embedded into the piece, I decided to just start to work and let it happen rather than think too much. I realised that the work had become too precious rather than this fluid medium where a story should unfold. One of those ‘Doh’ moments when I say to myself I should have realised earlier than this. I also met with the inspirational Vanessa Milton from ABC Open – who is a great editor – and realised that I needed to edit, think, edit and then unthink, play and then edit further again. I then rushed back to the studio and started to film the works on paper in progress as well as the movement of water and earth. Filming in front of the finished works on paper with the sounds of pouring and slowly dropping and pile onto old linoleum and painted sticks are beginning to work with the imagery now.
During this time I had the poem River Road sent to me as a final from Barbara and realised that we were both on the same page again. This coming week will be to bring it all together for sharing before making final edits. Even the bush spider dangling from its web in the foreground above the river appeared in each others work.
Studio Visit
The four artists and curator, Megan Bottari, all met at Sue Chancellor’s last week for a meeting to share and discuss work in relation to the selection of work and the hang for exhibition. It is now full steam ahead with clarity and direction for each of us to complete works for the late March opening.
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